One of the first things you’ll need to generate gobs of great ideas is a Safe Environment. That means we need to have a place where EVERYONE can feel safe to share ideas without being criticized. (Even negative body language can be detected AND hurt the flow of more great ideas!) In one brainstorm session, […]
Most Creative Venue
In over three decades of coaching others on creativity, one answer rises to the top every time when I ask, “Where do ideas come to you most easily?” The answer? The shower. What does that tell me? Pose a question. Enter the shower. Let ideas flow. See the makings of genius solutions come about. You […]
One Turn Will Change Your World
Take a new way home next time. Or a new way to the office or gym or favorite lunch place. We’ve found that even turning just one block sooner than you normally would will open up a new world. When that happens, you’ll see things you’ve never noticed before. And ideas will spark. And you […]
How to Make the Mind Pop With Ideas
Over the years, I’ve trained thousands on ways to generate creative ideas. One favorite way — but it takes a lot of mental energy — is to challenge ideas and even to challenge the rules! You may think that’s too risky or that you would be uncomfortable being such a rebel. But it’s not really […]
How it All Started
Here’s how it all started. We’d feed the the kids dinner, then we’d all sit around and talk. Such a social family. What to chat about? We started playing a game. We made it up, but every game has to have a name, right? We called it the What If game. Here are the rules: […]